Visión general
Cystoscopy with stent removal is a procedure to remove a stent that was placed during a previous surgery.
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Cystoscopy with Stent Removal Procedure
Cystoscopy with stent removal is a procedure to remove a stent that was placed during a previous surgery. During this procedure, the surgeon will use a cystoscope to visualize the inside of the bladder to remove a stent. A stent is an expandable tube made of mesh or coil that keeps the ureter open to allow urine to flow. Stents can cause complications and discomfort if they are left in place for too long.
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¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?
A cystoscopy with stent removal is considered medically necessary when a patient has previously undergone a surgical procedure involving the placement of a ureteral stent and is experiencing complications or discomfort related to the stent. The most common reasons for stent removal include recurrent urinary tract infections, persistent pain or discomfort, blockage of the ureter, or hematuria. Additionally, if a patient has reached the end of their recommended period for having the stent in place (usually 4-6 weeks), a cystoscopy with stent removal may be performed to prevent further risks of infection or damage to the ureter.
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Qué esperar
A cystoscopy with stent removal is a quick procedure. The doctor will insert the cystoscope into the bladder through the urethra. Next, the doctor will locate the stent which will be removed using the an instrument through the cystoscope. Once the goal of the procedure has been achieved, the surgeon will remove the cystoscope and the patient will be allowed to use the bathroom.
After the procedure, patients may experience some discomfort that can last for approximately three days. A small amount of blood in the urine may be normal on the first day, but a large amount should be reported to the doctor. It is important that patients drink plenty of water in the days following.
Cystoscopy with Stent Removal with Smith Medical
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