
En Smith Medical estamos comprometidos con la educación sanitaria del paciente y la comunidad.

Su atención médica es importante. Nuestro objetivo es empoderar la participación de los pacientes y la educación y participación continuas en las decisiones de atención médica individuales. Manténgase actualizado con la información médica más reciente sobre afecciones, procedimientos, noticias y técnicas quirúrgicas innovadoras. Smith Medical se compromete a compartir información, explorar diferentes niveles de opciones de tratamiento y ayudar a los pacientes a tomar decisiones informadas sobre la salud.

Lea nuestro blog para obtener más información sobre tratamientos únicos, diferencias entre ciertas condiciones de salud y mucho más mientras trabajamos con orgullo para educarnos más a nosotros mismos y a los demás.

Cirugía general

General Surgery Smith Medical offers a broad range of medical diagnostics, and surgical procedures to help patients at any point in their health journey. In

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Sagittal Band Repair (finger)

Overview Sagittal band repair surgery is a specialized procedure conducted to correct sagittal band injuries in the hand. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices

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Dedo en gatillo

Overview Trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, is a condition that causes stiffness, pain, and the locking of the fingers when bending or straightening.

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Amputación de rayos (mano)

Overview Ray amputation of the hand is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a single finger and the corresponding metacarpal bone. The Smith

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Escisión de ganglios

Overview Ganglion excision is a procedure that involves the surgical removal of a ganglion cyst, which are fluid-filled sacs. The Smith Way Price $ Our

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Dupuytren’s Contracture Surgery

Overview Dupuytren’s Contracture is a condition that causes the fingers to bend towards the arm. In some cases, surgery is necessary to properly treat this

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Liberación del túnel cubital

Overview Cubital tunnel release is a surgical procedure performed to alleviate symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive.

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Reducción cerrada y colada

Overview A closed reduction fracture procedure is a procedure to realign a broken bone without the need for an incision. The Smith Way Price $

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Carpal Tunnel Release

Overview Carpal tunnel release is a surgical procedure to provide relief from carpal tunnel syndrome by releasing pressure on the median nerve in the wrist.

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