
En Smith Medical estamos comprometidos con la educación sanitaria del paciente y la comunidad.

Su atención médica es importante. Nuestro objetivo es empoderar la participación de los pacientes y la educación y participación continuas en las decisiones de atención médica individuales. Manténgase actualizado con la información médica más reciente sobre afecciones, procedimientos, noticias y técnicas quirúrgicas innovadoras. Smith Medical se compromete a compartir información, explorar diferentes niveles de opciones de tratamiento y ayudar a los pacientes a tomar decisiones informadas sobre la salud.

Lea nuestro blog para obtener más información sobre tratamientos únicos, diferencias entre ciertas condiciones de salud y mucho más mientras trabajamos con orgullo para educarnos más a nosotros mismos y a los demás.

Escisión de la bursa prepatelar

Overview A prepatellar bursectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the prepatellar bursa, which is a fluid-filled sac located in the front of the knee. 

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Meniscectomía medial y lateral

Overview Medial and lateral meniscectomy is a surgical procedure to trim the outer and/or inner regions of the meniscus. The Smith Way Price $ Our

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Medial Collateral Ligament Repair

Overview Medial collateral ligament repair is a surgical procedure to repair the MCL. The procedure can vary depending on the severity of the tear. The

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Manipulation Knee

Overview A knee manipulation procedure is a form of medical intervention intended to improve knee conditions that involve range-of-motion issues. The Smith Way Price $

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Overview A knee arthroplasty is a minimally invasive surgical alternative to a total joint replacement. This procedure requires a smaller incision compared to traditional surgery,

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Overview A chondroplasty of the knee is a minimally invasive procedure to remove damaged knee cartilage. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive.

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Sinovectomía completa

Overview A complete synovectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the entire synovial membrane. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are

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Repair Gluteus Medius Tendon

Overview Gluteus medius tendon repair is a surgical procedure that aims to treat damage or tears in the gluteus medius tendon. The Smith Way Price

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Hip Decompression (Unilateral)

Overview A unilateral hip decompression procedure removes pressure from a hip joint to restore function. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive. Learn

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Hip Decompression (Bilateral)

Overview A bilateral hip decompression procedure removes pressure from the hip joints to restore function. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive. Learn

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Tiroidectomía total

Overview A thyroidectomy procedure is the surgical removal of the thyroid gland. This procedure is most commonly performed on individuals who have been diagnosed with

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Overview A parotidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a portion of or a complete parotid gland due to a tumor. The Smith Way Price

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Overview Parathyroidectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or more parathyroid glands. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive.

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