Extirpación de ganglio linfático inguinal
Descripción general La escisión de los ganglios linfáticos de la ingle es un procedimiento quirúrgico que se realiza comúnmente para extirpar los ganglios linfáticos que se han inflamado. El método Smith
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Descripción general La escisión de los ganglios linfáticos de la ingle es un procedimiento quirúrgico que se realiza comúnmente para extirpar los ganglios linfáticos que se han inflamado. El método Smith
Descripción general La disección de ganglios axilares es un procedimiento quirúrgico para extirpar los ganglios linfáticos ubicados en la axila, conocidos como ganglios linfáticos axilares. El método Smith Precio
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Overview Unilateral breast reconstruction with expanders is a two-stage procedure that is typically performed during or after a mastectomy. The Smith Way Price $ Our
Overview The 2nd stage of bilateral breast reconstruction with implant placement includes implanting the permanent implants. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive.
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Overview Liposuction of the abdomen is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess fat deposits from the stomach area. The Smith Way Price $ Our
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Overview Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure to increase the size of the breast using implants. Learn more here. The Smith Way Price $ Our
Overview Abdominoplasty and liposuction of the posterior trunk are two cosmetic surgical procedures often performed in conjunction with one another. The Smith Way Price $
Descripción general Una abdominoplastia, a veces denominada abdominoplastia, es un procedimiento quirúrgico que implica eliminar el exceso de piel y grasa del abdomen para
Overview A neck lift procedure is a cosmetic procedure to reduce the effects of aging in the neck region. Learn more here. The Smith Way
Overview Full-thickness skin graft to the nose is a surgical procedure to replace a damaged part of the skin on the nose using a skin
Overview A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to reverse the signs of aging in the face. Learn more here. The Smith Way Price
Overview An upper and lower blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to address aging concerns in the eye region. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices
Overview An upper blepharoplasty, also known as an upper eyelid lift, is a cosmetic procedure to make the face appear more youthful. The Smith Way