
En Smith Medical estamos comprometidos con la educación sanitaria del paciente y la comunidad.

Su atención médica es importante. Nuestro objetivo es empoderar la participación de los pacientes y la educación y participación continuas en las decisiones de atención médica individuales. Manténgase actualizado con la información médica más reciente sobre afecciones, procedimientos, noticias y técnicas quirúrgicas innovadoras. Smith Medical se compromete a compartir información, explorar diferentes niveles de opciones de tratamiento y ayudar a los pacientes a tomar decisiones informadas sobre la salud.

Lea nuestro blog para obtener más información sobre tratamientos únicos, diferencias entre ciertas condiciones de salud y mucho más mientras trabajamos con orgullo para educarnos más a nosotros mismos y a los demás.

Descompresión subacromial

Overview Subacromial decompression is a surgical procedure performed to alleviate pain caused by shoulder impingement. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive. Learn

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Manipulation Shoulder

Overview A shoulder joint procedure is a surgical procedure in which the medical professional manipulates the shoulder joint to relieve pain and improve mobility. The

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Extensive Debridement Shoulder

Overview Extensive shoulder debridement is a surgical procedure aimed at removing damaged tissues, foreign bodies, and debris from the shoulder joint. The Smith Way Price

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Escisión de la clavícula distal

Overview A distal clavicle excision procedure is a surgical procedure used to treat shoulder impingement and/or arthritis. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are

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Estabilización de Bankart

Overview Bankart stabilization is a surgical procedure performed on patients with chronic shoulder instability. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive. Learn more

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Artroscopia de codo

Overview An elbow arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat various elbow conditions. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive.

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Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Elbow

Overview Platelet-rich plasma injections are a form of modern therapy used to accelerate the healing of different muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments. The Smith Way

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Bursectomy (Elbow)

Overview A bursectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the bursa, the fluid-filled pads that cushion the elbow joints. The Smith Way

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Tratamientos para el codo

Elbow Treatments Ready for elbow treatment? Elbow pain is a common occurrence that can be the result of a sprain, fracture, and more. As a

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Osteotomía del tubérculo tibial

Overview Tibial tubercle osteotomy is a surgical procedure commonly used in the treatment of patellar instability, osteoarthritis, and anterior knee pain. The Smith Way Price

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Reconstrucción, luxación de rótula

Overview Dislocating patella reconstruction is a surgical procedure to repair a kneecap that is continuously dislocating. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive.

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