
En Smith Medical estamos comprometidos con la educación sanitaria del paciente y la comunidad.

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Overview An uvulectomy is a procedure that involves the surgical removal of the uvula, which is the small soft tissue that hangs from the back

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Unión Popular

Overview UPP, medically known as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, is a surgical procedure to open the upper airways. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive. Learn

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Amigdalectomía / BMT

Overview A tonsillectomy and bilateral myringotomy with tubes are two procedures often performed together to treat young patients with recurring ENT conditions. The Smith Way

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Amigdalectomía y adenoidectomía

Overview Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, often referred to as T&A, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the tonsils and the adenoid glands. The

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Overview Sialolithotomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of salivary gland stones. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive. Learn more

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Glosectomía parcial

Overview Partial glossectomy, commonly referred to as partial tongue removal, is a surgical procedure to remove a portion of the tongue. The Smith Way Price

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Overview A frenulectomy procedure is a simple surgical procedure that involves the removal of the frenulum, a thin piece of soft tissue in the mouth.

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Examen bajo anestesia

Overview An examination under anesthesia is a medical procedure that involves putting a patient under anesthesia to analyze a specific region. The Smith Way Price

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Hip Arthroplasty (Hip Replacement)

Overview Hip arthroplasty is a surgical procedure when a patient’s hip joint is severely worn or damaged. During this procedure, the surgeon will replace the

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Overview An adenoidectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing the adenoid glands from the throat. The Smith Way Price $ Our prices are all-inclusive.

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