Stop The Increasing Cost Cycle For Inadequate Health Coverage
Direct Contracting Healthcare with Smith Medical.
Smith Medical Direct Specialty Care offers affordable high-quality surgical care with fair transparent pricing. Learn about our Direct Contracting Model.
Smith Medical Direct Specialty Care offers affordable premier medical care with fair, transparent pricing from top surgeons in the Denver community. Smith Medical elevates the traditional surgical care model, targeted specifically to self-funded employers. Employers, CEOs, and their teams will love the high-quality, transparent experience at Smith Medical.
Employers Direct Contracting with Smith Medical is Easy
At Smith Medical, our multi-specialty facilities offer state-of-the-art treatments from Denver’s top surgeons, elevating traditional surgical care for self-funded employers. Legacy pricing and network models add unnecessary cost and complexity. Smith removes this.
Los planes de salud tradicionales son costosos e insostenibles tanto para las empresas como para los empleados.
Por eso siempre hemos optado por trabajar con empresas y organizaciones que buscan ofrecer un mejor modelo de atención a sus empleados. Entendemos que ofrecer beneficios de salud puede ser una decisión crucial para una empresa. Nuestros programas flexibles pueden ayudar a atraer y retener a empleados de alta calidad.
How Smith Medical Direct Contracting Works
We get it. Contracting directly feels different. So does fair and precios transparentes. It’s okay. We’ll show you how and
everyone wins!
Our goal at Smith Medical is focused on transparency to ensure the patient is aware of the costs upfront. All fees are combined in package pricing, so our patients have clarity regarding rates. Due to our physician ownership and management, we offer competitive pricing at a fraction of PPO’s.
Nuestros socios de plataforma facilitan el inicio. Contáctenos hoy o conéctese con nosotros Tarjeta cero, Salud de mercado justo, Coral o Savvos Ahorrar con Smith Medical.
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