Visión general
A vagal nerve stimulator (VSN) is a device that stimulates the vagus nerve through electrical impulses.
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Vagal Nerve Stimulator Procedure
A vagal nerve stimulator (VSN) is a device that stimulates the vagus nerve through electrical impulses. The vagus nerve is a cranial nerve that is responsible for regulating various bodily functions. By stimulating the vagus nerve, the VNS can help reduce the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures, as well as alleviate symptoms of depression. The device is controlled by a handheld programming tool that allows healthcare professionals to adjust its settings according to each individual’s needs. The VNS has shown promising results in numerous clinical studies, with many patients experiencing significant improvements in their condition.
¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?
A vagal nerve stimulator device is often recommended to patients who suffer from epilepsy, depression, and strokes. Sometimes, individuals with epilepsy do not respond to anti-seizure medications, and a different medical approach becomes necessary. In this case, doctors may recommend that patients consider a vagal nerve stimulator. These devices are also sometimes recommended to patients who suffer from severe depression. If a patient does not respond to traditional treatment, such as therapy or medication, doctors may recommend a vagal nerve stimulator. Nerve stimulator devices have become fairly common, and are often used in the treatment of different conditions and chronic pain. If you believe you could benefit from the surgical implantation of a VNS, you should visit your doctor to learn more about the process.
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Qué esperar
Patients will be under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will begin by making two incisions, one in the chest and one near the armpit. Next, they will implant the device on the left side of the chest, connected to a wire that runs beneath the skin to the neck. The device will then be connected to the vagus nerve. Vagal nerve stimulators have the potential to run for many years without the need to replace the battery. Patients may experience pain in the days following the procedure due to the incisions. A few weeks after surgery, the patient will return to the doctor and they will activate the device and program it to operate according to the patient’s condition.
Vagal Nerve Stimulator with Smith Medical
En Smith Medical, comprendemos las complejidades de la atención médica. Hoy en día, muchos procedimientos y tratamientos son inalcanzables debido a su elevado precio. El costo promedio de estos es una cifra que solo una parte limitada de la población puede afrontar. Por lo tanto, la misión de Smith Medical es brindarles a nuestros pacientes la atención accesible, transparente y de calidad que merecen. Comuníquese con el equipo de Smith Medical para obtener más información hoy mismo.
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