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LINX Procedure (device not included) Procedure
¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?
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Qué esperar
Patients will be under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will make an incision in the abdominal region to access the esophagus. They will insert the LINX device, a ring of magnetic titanium beads connected by titanium wires. The LINX device is carefully placed around the lower esophagus, where it will remain indefinitely. Once in position, the surgeon will test the device’s functionality to ensure proper placement and function before closing up incisions.
The recovery process for this procedure typically involves a brief hospital stay and minimal downtime, with most patients being able to resume their normal activities within a few days. During the initial recovery period, patients may experience some discomfort or difficulty swallowing which can be managed with pain medication and a soft diet.
LINX Procedure (device not included) with Smith Medical
En Smith Medical entendemos las complejidades de la atención médica. Hoy en día, muchos procedimientos y tratamientos son inalcanzables debido a su elevado precio. El costo promedio de estos es una cifra que una cantidad limitada de la población puede afrontar. Por lo tanto, la misión de Smith Medical es brindarles a nuestros pacientes la atención accesible, transparente y de calidad que merecen.
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