
Los precios de Smith Medical incluyen todo. Esto significa que el precio que aparece junto al procedimiento incluye los honorarios de las instalaciones, la anestesia, los análisis de laboratorio y los honorarios del médico. Es posible que notes que algunos procedimientos implican el uso de implantes. Según el procedimiento, estos implantes pueden tener un costo adicional o ya están incluidos en el precio total indicado.

Visión general

A hemorrhoidectomy is a procedure that refers to the surgical removal of hemorrhoids, which are swollen veins in the anal area.

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Hemorrhoidectomy Procedure

A hemorrhoidectomy is a procedure that refers to the surgical removal of hemorrhoids, which are swollen veins in the anal area. Hemorrhoids can cause many symptoms including difficulty standing or sitting, chronic constipation, and straining during bowel movements. Internal hemorrhoids are located inside the rectum and often do not require treatment. External hemorrhoids, however, are located outside the anus and are often more painful.

There are different grades of hemorrhoids to represent their severity and state. A hemorrhoidectomy procedure is often recommended for patients with a third or fourth-degree hemorrhoid. If patients experience persistent pain or the hemorrhoid must be removed instantly, a hemorrhoidectomy is often the proposed solution.

¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?

Oftentimes, hemorrhoid pain can be treated through conservative methods. These methods include over-the-counter creams and suppositories. However, if these methods are ineffective, patients may consider surgical intervention. A hemorrhoidectomy is typically recommended if the hemorrhoids bleed a lot, cause debilitating pain, or become swollen or hard.

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Qué esperar

Prior to a hemorrhoidectomy, patients will undergo an evaluation to ensure this surgical approach will offer the best results. During the procedure, the patient is given general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout. Once under anesthesia, the surgeon will proceed with removing the hemorrhoids either using a traditional scalpel technique or a more advanced method. Patients should ask their doctor about the approach prior to the procedure. When the surgery is complete, the patient is removed from the anesthesia and they will wake up.


After a hemorrhoidectomy, patients will likely experience pain in the anal region, often accompanied by swelling and bleeding. It is very important that patients closely follow all post-operative instructions to ensure a safe and effective recovery.

Hemorrhoidectomy with Smith Medical

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