Visión general
Carpal tunnel release is a surgical procedure to provide relief from carpal tunnel syndrome by releasing pressure on the median nerve in the wrist.
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About Carpal Tunnel Release
This is a common condition for individuals who frequently participate in activities that require grasping movements. This condition can be very painful and can manifest painful symptoms including numbness, tingling, and burning sensations. If you have been diagnosed with this condition, you must be proactive in your treatment.
Some patients can manage their symptoms through conservative methods. However, further treatment including carpal tunnel release may be necessary for certain instances. Carpal tunnel release surgery is a safe and effective procedure. If you are experiencing difficulty performing everyday activities due to carpal tunnel syndrome, this procedure could offer an effective solution.
¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?
Oftentimes, patients can manage carpal tunnel symptoms through a combination of conservative therapies including physical therapy and anti-inflammatory pain medications. Unfortunately, however, these treatments do not treat the underlying condition. Patients who experience severe carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms may consider surgery.
Los pacientes pueden considerar la cirugía si:
- Los esfuerzos conservadores son ineficaces
- Los síntomas del síndrome del túnel carpiano son graves.
- The pain is disabling
This procedure is an excellent solution for patients experiencing debilitating carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. If you are struggling to manage your symptoms through conservative treatments, this procedure may offer a solution for your pain.
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Preparación para el procedimiento
Before your procedure, your surgeon will discuss the surgical process with you so you are prepared. Make sure you have someone with you to drive you home, as you will not be able to after your procedure. It is important to follow any directions your doctor has to ensure the procedure is successful.
During a carpal tunnel release procedure, the surgeon will make an incision in the wrist. Next, they will cut through the ligament that is pressing down on the carpal tunnel. This increases the space in the median nerve, resulting in less pain and increased function.
After a carpal tunnel release surgery, the patient should expect to experience some discomfort. This pain should slowly go away as the site heals from the surgery. By the time the hand has healed after several weeks of rest, patients will notice a significant improvement in function.
Carpal Tunnel Release at Smith Medical
En Smith Medical, comprendemos las complejidades de la atención médica. En muchos casos, los procedimientos y tratamientos son inasequibles debido a sus altos precios. Nuestra opción de pago directo permite a los pacientes sin seguro acceder a una atención médica de calidad. La misión de Smith Medical es brindarles a nuestros pacientes la atención accesible, transparente y de calidad que merecen.
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