Wrist Fusion (hardware $3300 estimate not included)

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Visión general

A wrist fusion is a surgical procedure that is used to treat severe wrist joint conditions such as arthritis, injury, or malformation.

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Wrist Fusion (hardware $3300 estimate not included) Procedure

A wrist fusion is a surgical procedure that is used to treat severe wrist joint conditions such as arthritis, injury, or malformation. This procedure involves removing the wrist bones and fusing them together using metal plates, screws, or pins. The ultimate goal of this procedure is to minimize the movement of the wrist joint to reduce pain and prevent further injury.

A wrist fusion is a serious surgical procedure that patients turn to when there aren’t less invasive alternatives. Although effective, this procedure does involve an incision to access the joint. Therefore, patients are encouraged to experiment with conservative therapies prior to a wrist fusion. Many patients are able to find relief through physical therapy, pain medications, and other therapies.

Before undergoing any serious surgery, patients are expected to try conservative methods first. Treatments including hot and cold therapy, physical therapy, and pain medication are effective methods to manage back pain. However, patients may consider an inpatient spinal fusion if conservative methods are ineffective. There are risks associated with spine surgery, so it should never be the first option a patient considers.

¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?

A wrist fusion is an option for patients who suffer from severe arthritis and other debilitating wrist conditions. Additionally, this procedure may become an option if an individual suffers a traumatic injury that affects the wrist. If conservative therapies are ineffective, patients may consider surgical intervention. A wrist fusion may become necessary if the patient is struggling to complete daily tasks such as carrying heavy objects or driving. 

A doctor may recommend a wrist fusion if:


  • The patient is struggling to complete basic tasks
  • The pain can not be managed through pain medications and other therapies
  • The patient’s condition continues to worsen with time

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Preparación para el procedimiento

The patient will be under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the surgery. A wrist fusion can be performed in many ways depending on the surgeon and the severity of the condition. During the procedure, the patient will make an incision along the back of the wrist. Next, the surgeon will move the tendons and ligaments aside to access the affected joint.
The surgeon will begin by removing any damaged cartilage from the wrist joint. Once the bone surfaces are prepared, the surgeon will use either surgical hardware or bone grafts to tighten the joint and immobilize the bones in the desired position. Once the surgeon has corrected the condition, they will close the incision and the patient will be taken off the anesthesia. This procedure typically takes around 90 minutes.
After the procedure, patients are typically given pain medication to combat the associated discomfort. The surgeon will provide recovery instructions to ensure the patient does not further injure their wrist. On average, the recovery time takes between 6-8 weeks, but it can be quicker.

Wrist Fusion (hardware $3300 estimate not included) with Smith Medical

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