Lymph Node Excision / Biopsy

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Visión general

A lymph node excision biopsy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or more lymph nodes for diagnostic purposes.

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Lymph Node Excision / Biopsy


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Lymph Node Excision / Biopsy Procedure

A lymph node excision biopsy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or more lymph nodes for diagnostic purposes. This procedure is recommended to patients when there is a suspicion of cancer or infection within the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are responsible for producing white blood cells that fight infection. If damaged, it can hinder their ability to filter and transport lymph fluid. 

Before this procedure, the doctor will use diagnostic imaging to identify an abnormal lymph node. If one of the lymph nodes is swollen, the doctor may recommend a lymph node biopsy.

¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?

A lymph node excision biopsy becomes medically necessary when diagnostics reveal an abnormality in the lymph nodes. This procedure allows healthcare professionals to assess the stage of the disease and formulate an appropriate treatment plan. Lymph node excision biopsy becomes crucial when a patient presents with enlarged or palpable lymph nodes, persistent unexplained fever, unexplained weight loss, night sweats, fatigue, or other symptoms suggestive of lymphatic system involvement. Additionally, it can aid in identifying infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi present within the lymph nodes. By extracting a sample through surgical removal followed by laboratory analysis under a microscope, doctors can accurately diagnose and provide personalized treatment plans for patients suffering from various diseases impacting the lymphatic system.

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Preparación para el procedimiento

Patients will be under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will begin by making a small incision above the area of the lymph nodes. Next, the surgeon will remove the affected lymph nodes, as well as the surrounding tissue. When the goal of this surgery is complete, the surgeon will close the incision and the patient will be removed from the anesthesia. The samples are then collected for evaluation and diagnostic testing. Patients should hear back about results 1-2 weeks after the biopsy.

Lymph Node Excision / Biopsy with Smith Medical

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