Tongue Biopsy Procedure

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Visión general

A tongue biopsy is a procedure that is performed to diagnose abnormalities found on the tongue.

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Biopsy Tongue


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Tongue Biopsy Procedure

A tongue biopsy is a procedure that is performed to diagnose abnormalities found on the tongue. During this procedure, a small sample of the tongue will be collected to test it and ensure it is not cancerous. After collecting the sample, it will be observed under a microscope to check for cancer cells.

You may be wondering how to recognize an abnormality on the tongue. Typically, your dental professional will check for this during your complete dental examination. However, if you notice anything unusual, you can also schedule an appointment to have it checked. If your dentist believes it needs further examination, they will order a tongue biopsy.

¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?

Patients may consider a tongue biopsy if they notice the following abnormalities:

  • A red or white patch located on the tongue
  • A swollen or red tongue
  • Ulcers on the tongue
  • Other oral abnormalities

It is important to remember that not all abnormalities on the tongue are cancerous. The best thing to do is to visit your doctor and receive an informed, professional opinion.

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Preparación para el procedimiento

A tongue biopsy is a fairly simple procedure that does not require much preparation. Depending on the size of the sample, the patient will be under local or general anesthesia to ensure their comfort. During the procedure, the dental professional will use a needle or an alike tool to remove a small portion of the tongue.

After the procedure, swelling or slight discomfort is normal. It is important to monitor the area and inform your doctor if you notice any severe symptoms. It typically takes around a week to get results from your tongue biopsy.

Tongue Biopsy with Smith Medical

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