Miringotomía bilateral con tubos

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Visión general

A bilateral myringotomy with tubes, also known as a BM-T, is a surgical procedure typically performed on children. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and it involves the surgeon making a small incision in the patient’s eardrum to insert a thin tube to drain any fluids causing pressure.

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Miringotomía bilateral con tubos


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About Bilateral Myringotomy with Tubes Procedure

This tube remains in place for approximately six months, or until it falls out on its own. In this amount of time, the natural eustachian tube should return to normal and heal. 

The procedure itself is very straightforward and simple. It typically takes around 15-20 minutes and the patient can return home on the same day. Patients will experience little to no postoperative pain and they will typically notice a significant improvement in hearing immediately after. Although this procedure is typically performed on children, it can be performed on adults, often using a local anesthetic.

When is this procedure necessary

A BM-T is a treatment for children with otitis media or recurring ear infections. Typically, these conditions can be treated through medications and antibiotics, but some patients do not respond to these treatments. If this is the case, their doctor may recommend a BM-T procedure. Due to the minimally invasive nature of this procedure, it is a simple option for children experiencing different symptoms. A doctor will recommend this procedure if:

  • Your child has recurring ear infections
  • Your child has otitis media
  • Your child is experiencing intense pressure in their ears


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Preparing for your procedure

Prior to your procedure, the patient will undergo testing to ensure they are healthy and capable of undergoing these surgeries. After approval, your doctor will give you a list of instructions for the day of your procedure. Since these procedures are performed under general anesthesia, it is important to closely follow the instructions, especially any directions regarding fasting before surgery. 

After the procedure has concluded, the patient will be given instructions on how to manage their tubes. They typically fall out after about 6-18 months when the eustachian tubes healed, but if they have not fallen out after two years a doctor may need to remove them. The doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment after surgery to ensure everything is healing properly.

Bilateral Myringotomy with Tubes Procedure with Smith Medical

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