Visión general
A myringotomy is a surgical procedure to remove a small portion of the eardrum to allow trapped fluid to drain.
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Myringotomy Procedure
A myringotomy is a surgical procedure to remove a small portion of the eardrum to allow trapped fluid to drain. This is a common procedure for individuals who experience recurring ear infections, hearing loss, or general fluid buildup. A myringotomy is typically reserved for individuals whose symptoms have not responded to antibiotics or other medications.
This procedure can be performed on one or both ears (bilateral). Depending on the patient’s symptoms, the ENT specialist will suggest what the most effective procedure will be. If you have otitis media or another ear condition that requires a myringotomy, continue reading.
When Is a Myringotomy Necessary?
Patients may consider a myringotomy for a variety of reasons. This procedure can offer a solution to many ENT concerns that are recurring despite conservative treatment.
Patients may choose to undergo a myringotomy to:
- Restore hearing loss
- Reduce fluid buildup in the eardrums
- Treat ear infections
- Collect ear fluid for diagnostic purposes
Before patients decide on a myringotomy procedure, it is important to consider conservative treatment options. Speaking with your doctor can help you determine the most effective, least invasive choice.
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Preparación para el procedimiento
Before a myringotomy, your doctor will evaluate your ear to ensure you are a suitable candidate for this procedure. Your surgeon will also provide you with preoperative instructions, including information about preparing for a procedure under anesthesia.
During a myringotomy, the surgeon will use a small microscope to view the inside of the ear. Next, they will make a tiny hole in the eardrum to allow fluid to drain. Sometimes, tubes will be placed at the incision site to promote drainage.
The recovery process is fairly simple. Patients may experience some symptoms around the incision site and will be given pain medications to manage discomfort. It is very important to follow all postoperative instructions.
Myringotomy with Smith Medical
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