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Hysteroscopy with Polyp Removal Procedure
Hysteroscopy with polyp removal is a minimally invasive procedure performed by a gynecologist to examine and remove abnormal growths, known as polyps. This procedure involves using a small camera, known as a hysteroscope, to assess the area and safely remove the polyps.
Uterine polyps are small growths that form due to the overgrowth of cells in the uterine lining. Oftentimes, small, asymptomatic polyps do not need removal and they can resolve on their own. However, patients who experience polyps that manifest painful symptoms or abnormal bleeding may be candidates for removal.
¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?
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Qué esperar
Patients can request to be under anesthesia throughout the procedure, but it is often performed while the patient is awake. The surgeon will insert the hysteroscope through the vagina to reach the uterus, allowing the surgeon to examine the polyps up close, without the need for incision. Using the view of the hysteroscope, the surgeon will utilize specialized tools to carefully remove the polyps, and will often collect them for diagnostic testing.
Following the removal of polyps, individuals may notice light bleeding or spotting for a few days and are advised to avoid strenuous activities. Recovery time is usually quick, with most patients able to return to their normal activities within a day or two. It is essential to follow all post-operative instructions provided by your healthcare provider and attend any follow-up appointments to monitor healing and ensure optimal results.
Hysteroscopy with Polyp Removal with Smith Medical
En Smith Medical entendemos las complejidades de la atención médica. Hoy en día, muchos procedimientos y tratamientos son inalcanzables debido a su elevado precio. El costo promedio de estos es una cifra que una cantidad limitada de la población puede afrontar. Por lo tanto, la misión de Smith Medical es brindarles a nuestros pacientes la atención accesible, transparente y de calidad que merecen.
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