Mastectomy (unilateral) with port placement

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Visión general

Unilateral mastectomy with port placement is a surgical procedure that is commonly performed on patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

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Mastectomy (unilateral) with port placement


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Mastectomy (unilateral) with port placement Procedure

Unilateral mastectomy with port placement is a surgical procedure that is commonly performed on patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. This procedure is recommended for breast cancer patients where the cancer is present throughout one breast, and full tissue removal is necessary. Port placement is a tiny device attached to a catheter and placed under the chest’s skin. This port is then used to collect blood for testing or to administer fluid.

¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?

Unilateral mastectomy with port placement is considered medically necessary for breast cancer patients where the cancer has invaded most of the tissue in one of the breasts. Port placement is recommended for easy access to administer chemotherapy or other medications directly into the bloodstream. Unilateral mastectomy may be recommended if the cancer is confined to one breast and there is no indication of spreading to the other breast. The decision to proceed with this surgery is often based on factors such as tumor size, location, stage of cancer, and overall health of the patient.

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Qué esperar

Varias semanas antes de la cirugía programada, su médico puede solicitarle que se realice pruebas preoperatorias, que pueden incluir, entre otras, una radiografía de tórax, un electrocardiograma (ECG), un ecocardiograma y análisis de sangre. Estas pruebas le brindarán al médico información adicional sobre su condición y determinarán si su cuerpo es capaz de soportar este procedimiento.

Patients will be under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will begin by removing the tissue from the breast, removing all affected material. Once this has been achieved, the surgeon will place a small port under the skin to allow for direct access to veins for chemotherapy. The surgery to create a new breast is optional, but many patients decide to undergo it, especially in a unilateral mastectomy.

After the procedure has concluded, you will be given pain medication to manage discomfort. However, as this is a particularly invasive procedure, you may still experience discomfort for the first few days. During the recovery period, your doctor will give you instructions on how to manage your drain (if given one), how to identify infections, how to use medications, and how to go about different activities, such as showering. It can take between 4-8 weeks for patients to return to normal function.

Mastectomy (unilateral) with port placement with Smith Medical

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