Interstim Placement (Sacral Nerve Stimulator), implant not included

Los precios de Smith Medical incluyen todo. Esto significa que el precio que aparece junto al procedimiento incluye los honorarios de las instalaciones, la anestesia, los análisis de laboratorio y los honorarios del médico. Es posible que notes que algunos procedimientos implican el uso de implantes. Según el procedimiento, estos implantes pueden tener un costo adicional o ya están incluidos en el precio total indicado.

Visión general

La terapia InterStim es un dispositivo implantado médicamente que puede ayudar a las personas que sufren de vejiga y/o intestinos hiperactivos.

El precio de Smith Way

Interstim Placement (Sacral Nerve Stimulator), implant not included


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Interstim Placement (Sacral Nerve Stimulator), implant not included Procedure

InterStim therapy is a medically implanted device that can help individuals who suffer from an overactive bladder and/or bowels. InterStim therapy works by delivering mild electrical pulses to the sacral nerves near the tailbone which initiates communication between the brain and the bowels and bladder. This therapy is known to effectively manage symptoms in individuals who experience a diminished quality of life due to a lack of bladder or bowel control. This procedure typically involves two stages: a trial period where temporary electrodes are placed to assess effectiveness, followed by a permanent implantation if successful. Smith Medical offers a trial procedure and permanent placement.

¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?

Medical professionals may recommend that patients consider an InterStim trial if they have an overactive bladder or bowels and their symptoms do not improve after conservative therapies. Oftentimes, doctors will initially encourage patients to consider lifestyle changes or specific therapies such as bladder training and pelvic floor exercises. Sometimes, medications can also help patients increase urine retention. If these conservative therapies are ineffective, the doctor may recommend that the patient consider an InterStim trial. Approximately 80% of patients experience a noticeable improvement in symptoms with InterStim trials. The majority of patients will opt to undergo a permanent InterStim surgery after the trial period.

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Qué esperar

Patients are typically under local or general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. This procedure includes connecting “leads” or wires of the InterStim device to the sacral nerves. The small InterStim device is implanted in the patient’s lower back near the sacral nerves. The device is then connected to an external stimulator where the settings can be adjusted.

After the procedure, patients may experience some discomfort and swelling in the region of the incision. Oftentimes, doctors will prescribe pain medications for this short period where pain might be present. Patients should communicate with their doctor to report any irregular symptoms.

Interstim Placement (Sacral Nerve Stimulator), implant not included with Smith Medical

En Smith Medical entendemos las complejidades de la atención médica. Hoy en día, muchos procedimientos y tratamientos son inalcanzables debido a su elevado precio. El costo promedio de estos es una cifra que una cantidad limitada de la población puede afrontar. Por lo tanto, la misión de Smith Medical es brindarles a nuestros pacientes la atención accesible, transparente y de calidad que merecen.

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