Visión general
Spermatocelectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the spermatocele from the epididymis of the testicle.
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Spermatocelectomy Procedure
Spermatocelectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a spermatocele from the epididymis of the testicle. The epididymis is a tube located next to a testicle that stores, matures, and transports sperm. Spermatoceles, also known as spermatic cysts, are fluid-filled sacs that form near the testicle. Although usually noncancerous, removal may become necessary if the spermatocele grows or becomes uncomfortable.
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¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?
Oftentimes, spermatoceles do not require treatment if they do not present painful symptoms. However, in the event that a spermatocele grows in size or becomes uncomfortable for the patient, removal may be necessary.
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Qué esperar
Patients will be under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will make an incision in the scrotum to access the spermatocele. Next, the spermatocele will be separated from the epididymis. When the goal of the procedure has been achieved, the surgeon will close the incision and the patient will be monitored as they are removed from the anesthesia.
After the procedure, patients should expect to wear a dressing over the surgical region for a week or two. To manage any discomfort, patients can use anti-inflammatory pain medications and ice packs which can reduce swelling. Patients should promptly consult their doctor if they experience any irregular symptoms.
Spermatocelectomy with Smith Medical
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