
Los precios de Smith Medical incluyen todo. Esto significa que el precio que aparece junto al procedimiento incluye los honorarios de las instalaciones, la anestesia, los análisis de laboratorio y los honorarios del médico. Es posible que notes que algunos procedimientos implican el uso de implantes. Según el procedimiento, estos implantes pueden tener un costo adicional o ya están incluidos en el precio total indicado.

Visión general

An uvulectomy is a procedure that involves the surgical removal of the uvula, which is the small soft tissue that hangs from the back of the throat.

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Uvulectomy Procedure

A uvulectomy is a procedure that involves the surgical removal of the uvula, which is the small soft tissue that hangs from the back of the throat. This procedure may be recommended to address chronic snoring or sleep apnea, to manage infection or inflammation in the throat, or to address certain cancers. In rare cases, a uvulectomy may be recommended to facilitate speech therapy or for cosmetic purposes.

This procedure is very straightforward and typically takes between 15-20 minutes to complete. Most often, it can be completed with a local anesthetic to ensure the patient’s comfort. In some cases, general anesthesia may be used. Smith Medical offers outpatient uvulectomy procedures for patients in need.

¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?

A uvulectomy may be recommended to patients for a variety of reasons. Most commonly, this is a treatment used for patients who suffer from sleep apnea. This procedure is considered to be a last resort due to its invasive nature. Many patients can find a nonsurgical solution for sleep apnea.

Los pacientes pueden considerar este procedimiento si:

  • The uvula is causing chronic snoring.
  • The uvula is causing sleep apnea.
  • The uvula is affected by cancer.
  • It needs to be removed for speech purposes.

If you are curious whether you are a candidate for a uvulectomy procedure, your best option is to speak with your doctor. They will be able to offer an educated recommendation based on diagnostic testing and other significant information.

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Qué esperar

The surgeon will use local anesthesia for the back of the mouth to ensure the patient is comfortable throughout. The surgeon will then use radiofrequency energy or an electric current to remove the uvula. The exact nature of the surgery will depend on if it is a full or partial removal.


Patients will likely experience pain in the days following surgery. The doctor will prescribe pain medications to manage any discomfort. Sucking on ice cubes or consuming cold liquids can also help patients soothe the area. It is typically recommended that patients should eat soft foods in the days following the procedure to avoid irritating the area.

Uvulectomy with Smith Medical

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