Bilateral Breast Reduction

Los precios de Smith Medical incluyen todo. Esto significa que el precio que aparece junto al procedimiento incluye los honorarios de las instalaciones, la anestesia, los análisis de laboratorio y los honorarios del médico. Es posible que notes que algunos procedimientos implican el uso de implantes. Según el procedimiento, estos implantes pueden tener un costo adicional o ya están incluidos en el precio total indicado.

Visión general

A bilateral breast reduction is an option for women who want to reduce the size of both breasts.

El precio de Smith Way

Bilateral Breast Reduction $12,200

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Bilateral Breast Reduction Procedure

A bilateral breast reduction is a procedure that involves the surgical removal of a portion of breast tissue and skin from both breasts. This procedure can be performed for cosmetic reasons, or health reasons, such as for women who suffer from back pain due to disproportionate breast size. A bilateral breast reduction is an option for women who want to reduce the size of both breasts.

¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?

Candidates for a breast reduction are individuals who have large breasts that cause chronic neck, back, or shoulder pain. While this procedure is most commonly performed to alleviate symptoms of large breasts, it can also be performed for cosmetic reasons.

Patients may consider undergoing a breast reduction if they commonly experience the following symptoms:


  • Chronic back, shoulder, or neck pain
  • Recurring rashes directly beneath the breast
  • Inability to exercise
  • Shoulder grooves due to bra straps

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Qué esperar

There are a few different possible techniques a surgeon may use during breast reduction surgery. Before your date of surgery, it is important to schedule a consultation so the surgeon can walk you through the process and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. Patients are under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. The next steps will be different depending on the surgical approach used by your surgeon. Generally, the surgeon will make an incision and will carefully remove the breast tissue. The surgeon will then take the remaining tissue and reattach and shape it. Lastly, the patient will be removed from the anesthesia.

After the procedure, it is normal for patients to experience pain around the breast, and they are typically given pain medications to ensure comfort. Patients are expected to rest for the first few days after the procedure. During the second week, patients can return to work (dependent on their job) and can begin walking more.

Bilateral Breast Reduction with Smith Medical

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