Nasal Fracture Simple Closed

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Closed nasal fracture repair is a surgical procedure that involves correcting displaced nasal bones.

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Nasal Fracture Simple Closed Procedure

Closed nasal fracture repair is a surgical procedure that involves correcting displaced nasal bones. This procedure may be recommended to patients who injure their noses and damage the nasal bone or surrounding structures. A nasal fracture repair procedure is performed differently depending on the severity of the injury. A closed procedure is typically recommended for patients with less severe breakage.

When is this Procedure Necessary?

If a patient fractures their nose, there are a few steps they can take to treat it. Oftentimes, the fracture can heal on its own or through the use of a splint. However, if patients do not notice improvement, they may be a candidate for a nasal fracture procedure. If the fracture is serious enough, a closed procedure may be necessary.

Patients may consider a closed-nasal fracture repair procedure if:

  • The fracture does not repair on its own or with a splint.
  • The patient’s previous nasal surgery failed.
  • The nose is severely broken.

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What To Expect

Previous to the procedure, the doctor will take an X-ray of the nose to assess the fracture. If they decide that surgery is necessary to repair the nose, they may recommend a closed-nasal fracture procedure.


Patients will be under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. During a closed-nasal fracture repair procedure, the surgeon will access the broken bones through the nostrils. This means that incisions are not necessary for a closed technique. From here, the surgeon will stabilize and reposition the broken bones.
The patient will wear a splint for 1-2 weeks following the procedure. Patients may be given pain medications to manage any postoperative pain. The nasal bones may continue shifting for two months, so patients may experience slight discomfort at this time.

Nasal Fracture Complex Open with Smith Medical

At Smith Medical, we understand the complexities of healthcare. Today, many procedures and treatments are unattainable due to their lofty price. Therefore, it is Smith Medical’s mission to provide our patients with the accessible, transparent, and quality care they deserve.

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