Toe Amputation

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A toe amputation procedure refers to the surgical removal of one or more toes.

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About Toe Amputation

This procedure is typically necessary when a toe has been severely damaged due to injury, infection, or disease. Toe amputation may be necessary in cases where damage to the toe cannot be repaired through other treatments. 

The surgeon will carefully evaluate the patient’s condition and determine which specific procedure to perform based on a variety of factors including the extent of damage, location of affected tissues, and overall health status. While this surgery can lead to significant improvements in certain cases, individuals who undergo toe amputation should still closely monitor their wound healing progress and follow up with their healthcare provider regularly to ensure proper recovery.

When is this Procedures Necessary?

A toe amputation procedure is seen as the last resort for patients suffering from a toe injury,  infection, or deformity. Most of the time, there are surgical alternatives that offer a less invasive option. If a wound or infection is left untreated, it could worsen and pose a larger risk. 

Treatment decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. The patient’s doctor will help them define a treatment path depending on their overall health and rehabilitation ability.

A patient may need a toe amputation if:

  • They suffer from severe vascular disease
  • Blood supply to the toe is reduced due to diabetes
  • They have severe frostbite
  • They have a severe infection

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Preparing for Your Procedure

Despite the invasive nature of a toe amputation, the surgery itself should not take longer than an hour. During this procedure, the surgeon will make an incision around the toe to ensure there is enough skin to go around it after the procedure. Next, the surgeon will remove the necessary bone and move the skin and muscles to cover the open area to close the incision. 

Since this procedure is performed under general anesthesia, patients will not experience any pain during the procedure. Patients may experience pain in the days following the procedure and will be given medications to manage any post-operative discomfort. Most of the time, it will take around a month for the incision site to fully heal, and after this patients will have to adapt to the new normal of walking and functioning without the amputated toe. Physical therapy is often recommended to help patients relearn balancing after such an intensive surgery. 

Toe Amputation with Smith Medical

At Smith Medical, we understand that healthcare has its complications. Today, many procedures and treatments are unattainable due to their lofty price. Our direct pay option allows patients without insurance access to quality healthcare. It is Smith Medical’s mission to provide our patients with the accessible, transparent, and quality care they deserve. 

Contact the team at Smith Medical to learn more today.

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