The Smith Way

Smith Medical pricing is all-inclusive. This means that the price listed next to the procedure includes facility fees, anesthesia, labs, and physician fees. You may notice that some procedures involve implants. Depending on the procedure, these implants may be at an additional cost or are already included in the total price listed.

The Smith Way

From the latest surgical offers, to how the direct care model is changing surgery for the better, The Smith Way discusses the latest in direct specialty care news. Read about it here.

How Can We Make Surgery More Accessible For Patients?

No One is Happy With Healthcare: Costs and Confusion You, like most Americans, find yourself unhappy with our current healthcare system, and the state of...

What is Direct Specialty Care For Surgery? Ask Smith Medical 

What is Direct Specialty Care For Surgery?  Direct Specialty Care offers you a more personalized approach to your health as a patient, in comparison to...

Tongue-Tied Surgery: Frenotomy at Smith Medical

Normally, when people say they are tongue-tied, they refer to tripping up on their words. But for some people, being tongue-tied is a diagnosable condition...

High-Quality Surgery Care in Denver, Colorado

Injuries When You’re a Runner If you’re a runner you know the feeling of lacing up your sneakers, having a glass of water before you...

Support the No Surprise Act in Colorado

At Smith Medical we believe that pricing should be obvious when it comes to every single surgery cost. Say No To Surprise Billing: Better Surgery...

Denver Surgery that is Fairly Priced & Transparent

Affordable surgery doesn’t need to be hard to find when you partner with Smith Medical. We focus on quality surgery at affordable and transparent costs...