Visión general
Hip arthroplasty is a surgical procedure when a patient’s hip joint is severely worn or damaged. During this procedure, the surgeon will replace the hip joint with an artificial one.
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Hip Arthoplasty Procedure
Hip arthroplasty is a surgical procedure when a patient’s hip joint is severely worn or damaged. During this procedure, the surgeon will replace the hip joint with an artificial one. This procedure is often referred to as hip replacement.
A hip arthroplasty procedure is often recommended for patients with hip conditions causing chronic pain. This includes but is not limited to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fractures. During the procedure, the surgeon will use specialized tools to remove damaged bone fragments and cartilage. They will replace the head of the femur and the acetabulum with artificial parts.
¿Cuando es necesario este procedimiento?
Patients may consider undergoing a hip arthroplasty if their hip joint is damaged to the point where regular activity becomes difficult. This may be due to a lack of hip joint mobility or debilitating pain. A hip arthroplasty procedure is most frequently performed on patients with severe osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Patients may be a candidate for hip arthroplasty if:
- They experience significant pain in the hip joint
- Walking or prolonged standing is uncomfortable
- The hip joint lacks mobility
- They struggle to stand on one leg
The nature of the procedure is dependent on the severity of the condition and what the surgeon believes will yield the best results.
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Qué esperar
Patients are under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. Therefore, the patient must follow all instructions regarding fasting on the day of surgery. During the procedure, the surgeon will begin by making an incision along the hip joint to access the area. The surgeon will replace the joint using metal, ceramic, or plastic artificial parts. When the procedure is complete, the surgeon will close the incision and the patient will be taken off anesthesia.
After the procedure, patients will be monitored but can typically return home the same day. It is normal for patients to experience pain in the area in the days following surgery. Surgeons typically prescribe anti-inflammatory pain medications to help them manage discomfort. Patients are often recommended physical therapy to ensure the joint heals successfully. The patient will work on mobility, stretching, and building muscle during physical therapy.
Hip Arthroplasty (Hip Replacement) with Smith Medical
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