Arthroscopic Biceps Repair (Tenodesis: implants not included)

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Arthroscopic bicep repair is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat different conditions affecting the biceps muscle, including tears and inflammation.

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Arthroscopic Biceps Repair (Tenodesis: implants not included) Procedure

Arthroscopic bicep repair is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat different conditions affecting the biceps muscle, including tears and inflammation. Bicep injuries can manifest for various reasons, however, it is most commonly a result of overuse or traumatic injury. An injured bicep can become very painful and can prevent individuals from participating in the activities they love most. Arthroscopic bicep repair surgery offers a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgeries, allowing for a shorter recovery time, smaller incisions, and an overall more comfortable experience.


When is this Procedure Necessary?

Oftentimes, patients with bicep tendonitis or another condition affecting the bicep will consider treatment if normal function is interrupted. Patients should consult an orthopedic surgeon if their pain does not subside with time. The surgeon or specialist will typically begin by performing a physical examination. If a conversation about surgery occurs, patients may undergo diagnostic imagery, such as an X-ray, to rule out a fracture as the cause of the pain. Oftentimes, surgeons will begin by recommending conservative therapies such as physical therapy and rest, however, if this is ineffective, surgery may become an option. An arthroscopic approach is an option if the injury does not require an open incision.

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What To Expect

Patients are under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. Next, the surgeon will make small incisions near the bicep region, through which a tiny camera called an arthroscope will be inserted. This will allow the surgeon to view the area throughout the procedure process. Next, the surgeon will use specialized tools to carefully trim any damaged portions of the tendon and reattach it to the bone using sutures or anchors. When the goal of the surgery is achieved, the surgeon will close the incisions and the patient will be removed from the anesthesia. 

Following surgery, patients can expect a period of limited mobility and discomfort. Patients will be given a sling or brace to immobilize the arm, allowing it to heal. After the initial healing period, patients will join a physical therapy program to build muscle and introduce motion to the arm in a controlled way.

Arthroscopic Biceps Repair (Tenodesis: implants not included) with Smith Medical

At Smith Medical, we understand the complexities of healthcare. Today, many procedures and treatments are unattainable due to their lofty price. Therefore, it is Smith Medical’s mission to provide our patients with the accessible, transparent, and quality care they deserve.

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